Written by: Mag | Date: 2012-06-27 10:39:26 | Related to: Diablo 3 - press review
On the official Battle.net board there was a rumor, that there will be an extra cost for PvP patch as a DLC. Jay Wilson was supposed to be its author. The other Blizzard's employee explained everything as follows:
"We have no plans to release PvP as paid DLC. As stated previously, our goal is to release PvP with the 1.1.0 content patch (which, as with all of our patches, will be available for free to all Diablo III players). While we don't have a date to share at this time for when 1.1.0 will released, we'll be providing more information as the development process continues. Thanks!"
Ufff :)
Written by: Mag | Date: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | Related to: Diablo 3 - press review
Patch 1.0.3 is now live! You can find all changes here. Some of them are really important so I invite you to read.
Written by: Mag | Date: 2012-06-08 10:34:44 | Related to: Diablo 3 PvP
Not much we could learn from the statements of Blizzard's employees, granted under the "Ask me about" on Reddit about PvP in Diablo 3. It seems that Blizzard is not working on PvP, and their approach to the subject is far too indifferent.
Are you guys planning on open-world PvP, such as dueling? Or are you guys limiting the PvP element to just arena PvP? Thanks.
"No, not currently. We're only supporting arena with the PVP patch. We may support dueling at some point. One thing at a time. :)"
How happy are you with the progress on the PvP 1.1 patch? Are things looking good?
"PVP is pretty fun, so very happy. :)"
In short nothing new we have learned. Hopefully more information will be revealed, the closer will be to patch 1.1.
Written by: Pat | Date: 2012-06-01 11:32:18 | Related to: D3CL General
We're very pleased to announce that we've just launched our very own IRC server. It took us some time to deal with a number of minor technical issues regarding its start-up. That caused a slight delay but hey, it's here! We do hope it'll serve you as a convinient tool to communicate with your friends and as an alternative to what the new BN 2.0 has to offer (and it offers very little when it comes to true interaction).
Spread the word and join our official irc channel. To do that, simply download any IRC client (e. g. mIRC) and connect to our server - irc.d3cl.com (port 6667). The main/general channel is #d3cl. There's also a possibity to register your very own nick or a channel (e. g. your clan's channel). You can find more info on that here.
Additionaly, you can also use our TeamSpeak 3 server that we launched some time ago - ts.d3cl.com
Written by: Pat | Date: 2012-05-29 10:01:17 | Related to: Diablo 3
Today Blizzard published an article summarising the last two weeks since the game launch. Apart from a bunch of statistics (e.g. % of players who chose a female character etc.), we can learn some really interesting information regarding the upcoming hotfixes and patches from it.
The current version of the game is 1.0.1 but the article suggests the developers have been working really hard since the game release and they've already prepared a schedule of the upcoming patches - from 1.0.2 to 1.1 (the PvP one !).
It's also worth mentioning that they'll let us test the PvP patch on the PTR (public test realm) server before its official release. Let's hope it won't take them too long to implement that patch and we'll able to slaughter one another real soon.
Here's the scope of the upcoming patches:
- 1.0.2 - a minor patch addressing some service issues
- 1.0.3 - a patch introducing the first real game balance changes. It will also bring item levels (ilvl) of 60+ items (like in WoW) to help people understand why some blue items are better than legendary items. Moreover, the patch will lower the crafting and Blacksmith leveling cost and reduce the cost of combining gems so that it only requires two gems instead of three (up to Flawless Square).
- 1.1 - likely the PvP patch that will buff some legendary items (this will only apply to new Legendary items found after the patch).
Written by: Mag | Date: 2012-05-22 08:25:48 | Related to: Diablo 3 - press review
Due to the large number of Diablo 3 account hacking, Blizzard informs how to properly secure your account. More information you can find here.
It is possible that a major security bug may cause account stealing, even if you have BN Authenticator! More info you can find on our forum.
Our IRC server should be online till Wednesday.
Written by: Mag | Date: 2012-05-16 23:54:27 | Related to: D3CL General
From now on the right side of D3CL website will be a Blue Post Tracker. This tool allows you to track posts of Blizzard's employees on forum. Posts refer to various topics and not always may be valuable.
Written by: Mag | Date: 2012-05-16 10:05:05 | Related to: Diablo 3 - press review
Gameexaminer portal warns that there is a game-breaking bug which cause error 3006.
"It’s just one of those things that you have to put up with being the first to play a game. Apparently equipping the Templar NPC character with a shield will result in disastrous consequences. Doing so will give you an Error 3006, which will boot you from the game and you won’t be able to log back in."
On our forum there is also a thread containing the list of all common Diablo 3 errors such as Error 12, Error 33, Error 34200, Error 37, Error 24000, Error 3003, Error 75, Error 3004, Error 108, Error 315300, Error 12
Official known sssues list is here.
Written by: Hose | Date: 2012-05-14 10:13:23 | Related to: D3CL General
Dear users!
It is a great honour to announce that there has recently been launched our private Team Speak 3 server for the sake of in-game communication improvement among players. Our humble D3CL team cherishes the hope that this software doesn’t have to be set out in greater details.
TS server address: ts.d3cl.com.
We encourage you to use this software as frequent as it is possible both while playing or having a rest doing other stuff to which you have been used to!
Written by: RoGH | Date: 2012-05-11 13:54:59 | Related to: D3CL General
It's time for another interview - this time with Spirals, ex-Euro-PvP.org, D2Gamers & D2Classic admin, you can read it here.
Enjoy and send us your feedback!